De Pilón Café Cubano

by Carlos Luna

Oil on Canvas

48 x 84.5 in
(122 x 214.5 cm)





Robert and Daisy Blanchard Cisneros Art Collection, Miami, Florida, USA.




Miramar Cultural Center – Artspark, Mirimar, Florida, USA, April 3 – September 7, 2009.
Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, October 2, 2008 – February 23, 2009.

Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, USA, January 11 – May 5, 2007.


Carlos Luna, Personal Histories, Susquehanna Art Museum, Polk Museum of Art & The Suzanne H. Arnold Gallery, Lebanon Valley College, p. 96 – 97, Published July 2006, Illustrated in color.

Pablo Picasso Ceramics, Carlos Luna Paintings, p. 86 – 87 (Cat. 11), Published 2008, ISBN: 978-0-9678056-8-9.


Museum Description  

Carlos Luna
De Pilón Café Cubano

Often the narratives focus on a set of characters: machismo figures such as the Rooster Man and the Guajiro honestly reflect the artist’s consciousness of his upbringing in a machismo-driven society. At the same time his profound respect for the worth and power of the feminine is shown in the elegant and beautiful character of “pretty lady,” reportedly based on his wife, Claudia. Symbolic animal figures such as the black bull, the horse, and the alligator, whose graphic shape may refer to Cuba, help populate Luna’s narratives. The rooster as a symbol of machismo is deeply embedded in Cuban culture and recalls Luna’s boyhood experience as a participant in the popular culture of cockfights.

 Curtis L. Carter ©